Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Airing Opinions

Proverbs 18:2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.

I like Proverbs – this book of verses pulls no punches – each verse is to the point and blunt. 

There’s nothing wrong with giving an opinion, but in this verse it seems to refer to the kind of opinions that are “aired” or exhaled when we’re riled up or contentious.  Sort of like the opinions that are aired on Facebook – not asked for, not said with tact, and often misspoken and misdirected because they are rooted in hurt or lack of full knowledge.

We all need understanding.  When we gain understanding, our opinions and things we say won’t sound foolish or “airy.” 

Opinions actually have no foundation.  In fact, by definition an opinion is not necessarily based on fact.  And when we give one, we have to be careful that we aren’t judging someone in the process.

Sometimes, we even offer our opinions about God and his ways, and how he handles our lives for us, thinking we could certainly do it better. 

Let’s pray for understanding and wisdom, to be of the mind to trust him in all of his ways, lean not to our own understanding, and acknowledge him.

And in doing so, we will stay away from being called a fool.

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