Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wise Counsel

Are you making plans for something big in your life?  Maybe a house purchase, a job change, a new relationship, or a dream adventure?  These plans are huge and could affect you in big ways, and fear looms because of the possibility of failure?

Proverbs 15 says that plans fail for lack of counsel – but with many advisers they succeed.  Advisers are good to have in your pocket…but with wisdom seated nearby. 

When we have plans that involve life changes, it’s wise to seek counsel, and it’s wiser still to seek counsel from wise people. In other words, get advice from someone you respect and who has the foundation and years of experience in walking with Him.  Don’t go to a friend just because you know they’ll agree with whatever you say.

Plans are fun, and hopefully they end up with dreams fulfilled.  But talking over plans and hearing sound wisdom – and then proceeding with caution and obedience – is always best. 

And doing anything that doesn’t agree with the Word? Don’t even think about it. :) 

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