Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Proverbs repeatedly says something like it’s better to live on the corner of a roof than below with a quarrelsome wife.  I note that not once does it mention a quarrelsome husband.  Oh there are plenty of verses for the men…but this one speaks to women.

One definition of quarrelsome is the word “cantankerous.”  That pretty much describes those of us who get up in the morning, finding fault with everything our husband does or doesn’t do.  It describes the times when we don’t feel well, we’re tired, or we’re irritable and we let everyone in the house know about it – and somehow we blame it all on him.  I suppose that would define a quarrelsome wife, at least a little.

I’ve been guilty of being a quarrelsome wife, but thankfully my husband has never retired to the corner of our rooftop.  But it might have been better if he had.  At least he wouldn’t hear my accusations, my disappointments with him, and my constant dripping of complaints.

I want my husband to enjoy living with me, underneath the roof, out of the rain.  I want to see him the way “He” sees him, and when I do – I know I won’t be a quarrelsome wife – but rather a wife of honor.

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