Saturday, February 9, 2013


February 10, 2013

In Proverbs 19 it speaks of disciplining our children.  In the New Testament it speaks to fathers, saying not to provide your children to wrath.  So wherein lies the balance?

Discipline requires training, and according to definition it requires punishment for disobedience.  Training requires living a life before our kids that they can follow.  Punishment requires loving them enough to give out consequences when they purposefully don’t do what they’re told.

The verse in Proverbs says that in disciplining our children “there is hope” and implies that if we do not discipline, we become a “willing party to their death.”

Discipline in love.  That’s the key.  Go to God in prayer and look at yourself first, and ask “Was I clear in my instructions?”  “Have I set forth a good example?” 

If the answer is “No,” go to your kids and ask forgiveness.  If the answer is “Yes,” then ask God for wisdom in how to discipline with love, for in doing so you become a “willing party to their life!”

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