Sunday, February 23, 2014

He Hears Your Heart

Luke 1 shares Zechariah’s song, Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel,
because he has come to his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David.

A horn of salvation is a phrase that means a strong king.  This song is giving praise to the Lord because he has come to redeem his people, to bring salvation to them.

It’s a good thing to sing, and when we sing, it’s a great thing for that song to be one of adoration for our King.  Nothing lifts ours spirits like a song that exalts Him. 

When we sing a song of praise, we are voicing into the air our declaration of who God is, of his goodness, of his lovingkindness, and of our thanksgiving for salvation.

When’s the last time you sang a song, on your own, without the prompt of a worship leader, a radio, your phone, or a show on the television?

Try it.  Today, make time to sing an impromptu song to the One who has redeemed you. 

It doesn’t matter if you can’t carry a tune, if you’re throat is sore, or your rhythm is off – He hears your heart.

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