Monday, February 10, 2014

Consider This

Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…

Have you ever run in a marathon?  I have not, and I don’t plan to, but I can imagine that if did, I would hope there were people along the way offering me water, cheering me on, and waiting for me at the finish line.

We need each other.  We need to be “spurred” toward love and good deeds.

How do we do that for each other? 

When we love someone by giving of our time, our money, or our talents to bless them, it’s like handing a runner an energy drink.  If that runner is tired, wounded, or about to leave the track, that extra boost keeps them in the race.

Even if Valentine’s Day isn’t your “thing” or you think it’s just another holiday for commercial gain, at least give a thought on that day of how you can love someone who needs it. 

In doing so, you might just keep them in the race, running to the very end, instead of falling short of that final goal.

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