Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Do It?

Malachi 2 talks about our Father…and divorce…and what it says when we break covenant with our spouse.

Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another?

Lots of debate happens, even in church, over whether or not a particular couple has “the right” to divorce.  I have friends and family now, at this moment, considering separation and divorce.  I don’t like it.  I don’t think anyone really likes divorce, but it happens…even to those who love Him.

This verse says we “profane” the covenant by being unfaithful to one another.  Many agree that being unfaithful is grounds for divorce.  But have we ever considered that divorce itself is being unfaithful to one another? 

To profane something is to treat it with irreverence or disrespect.  I saw a movie recently where a young couple who were dating said they knew they would eventually divorce, after they married. They expected it, because their parents had divorced, and after all – it’s the norm.

God in his three parts is yet one – we teach that and know it.  He never breaks covenant with himself, and we are his children – he is our Father.  So when we break covenant with a spouse we are disrespecting the unity of the very essence of who we are in Him.

Divorce is not something to be entered into lightly, and neither is marriage.  Covenants and promises are heard and taken to heart by both parties when the “I do” is said.

Is divorce inevitable, expected, and justified nowadays?  Instead, let’s ask ourselves how we can strengthen our oneness with Him, and see how it affects our oneness with each other.

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