Saturday, July 11, 2015

Still Hope

Job 6 goes on, “What strength do I have, that I should still hope? What prospects, that I should be patient?

Have you ever thought these same questions out loud?  Your strength is completely gone and you see nothing on the horizon to hope for?

There some days, months, or even years that we grow absolutely weary because of continual heartache, hard times, or suffering and we really cannot muster up any strength or prospects of hope.

Job’s friends weren’t helping, either, but only heaping upon him a bunch of nonsense that only made him feel worse.

It’s okay to question.  God can handle our weakness and impatience with waiting on Him to move, and answer.  He’s a big God.

And that’s what we have to be reminded of in times like these.  He has a vantage point, an eye, and a heart that knows all and sees all -  and he has us in the palm of his hand, and our future is a good one – and it is secure.

Sometimes that’s all we can stand upon, and when we do – it’s a solid foundation. 

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