Saturday, July 4, 2015

Got breath?

Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Isn’t this a funny directive?  Why doesn’t it just say “Let everything praise the Lord?”

Remember, we are studying the breath of God.  We just read how he spoke, and then he breathed.  Two different actions.

We are reminded in this verse that the breath of God has breathed upon us.  In fact, in his breath is life.  It’s the breath of God that breathed life into us.

Therefore, we who have been breathed upon by God himself cannot help but respond and praise him.

I have breath.  You have breath.  And as long as we are breathing, we are to be praising God.  And it’s usually more often that we’re complaining, offering up frustration, and sighing –instead of praising.

Let’s praise him together, today.  For he has done great things for us.

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