Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Touch

November 23, 2012

I enjoy watching The Voice singing competition on TV and last night I watched as those who were “saved” walked the runway and people reached out just to touch their hands.  Why do people want to touch the hands of celebrities?  Somehow they feel connected, blessed, honored, when the hand of someone “famous” touches their hands.

In Luke it says people brought their babies to Jesus for him to touch them, and yet Jesus’ followers scolded the people for doing it.  Jesus replied, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  

There’s something about a touch from someone we know has power.  Is there a transfer of that power or status?  I think that somehow we think so.  In another place in the bible, a lady with a disease pressed through a crowd just to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe…and he felt it.  Was it her touch he felt…or her faith?

I’m really not interested in standing in a crowd to see a famous celebrity and have them stoop down to my level to brush my hand as they strut across the stage in their fame. But I am interested in a transfer of power and healing when the Maker of the Earth, the Savior of my soul, the Lover of all Lovers, reaches out to touch me daily.  His touch restores, heals, blesses, and transfers…all that is HIS to me.

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