Friday, November 30, 2012

A Laughing Mouth

December 1, 2012

When’s the last time you laughed simply because you were experiencing incredible joy? The book of Job mentions having a mouth full of laughter, and lips that shout joy.

I’m not one to laugh easily, especially at dumb movies.  It has to be sarcastic, witty humor to evoke a laugh out of me.  I think when I laugh the hardest are times when I’m tired and something very insignificant (at least to others) floats through my mind and I become uncontrollable with laughter.  My kids call me “punchy” when I’m in that mood.  It’s more of a release, a healing type of belly laugh that my body needs and receives, when I just let it loose.

As for our lips shouting joy, I don’t see that too much except in an occasional church service where people get excited for a few minutes. Mostly I see and observe shouts when people are angry, or perhaps at a game when a team is winning…or losing…shouts of joy…or frustration.  Shouting is not usually associated  with joy, but it should be.

However you fill your days, whatever you speak this holiday season, I hope and pray that you are able to laugh (even at calamity) out loud, and that as you end your day – perhaps tired and worn out – somehow a shout of JOY will emerge (or perhaps surprisingly escape?) from your lips.  

You just might wake up with a skip in your step the next day…

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