Saturday, November 12, 2016

Becoming One

The election has everyone in a stir, and it has me asking this question…

If Christians all pray and ask God for direction in voting, then why do they not all hear “one” answer?  Do some not hear well?  Does God care who’s president?  Are some hearing and disobeying?  And by the way, I’m asking, just what does it mean for Christians to be “one” as Jesus and his Father are one? 

He told us to be one, like they are, but what does that mean?  Does it mean if we are, we’ll all vote, believe, and act the same way?

Come with me as I look at the word “one” in the Bible….

The first mention of oneness between two people is Genesis 2:24

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

I suppose this is talking about sexual intimacy?  It’s certainly not referring to them meshing their bodies together into one body.  They are still two separate people, but they come together for intimacy in a oneness that is reserved for the two of them…only.

It requires leaving mother/father and clinging to each other above all others.

That’s a start.  Oneness, in the beginning, wasn’t becoming a clone of another, but rather it was about relationship.

That must be the first key.

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