Friday, August 12, 2016

In All Things

I Timothy 3 defines what women should be:

Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things. 

Dignified means worthy of respect, to gossip is to talk about someone in a bad manner behind their backs, temperate means to show self-restraint, and faithful means to be trustworthy.

The only way to have all of that is to have Christ in our hearts and to reflect his goodness and mercy toward others.

If we want good relationships with our friends, our spouses, and those we have yet to meet, we need to allow Him to work in us to be the women who shine in these areas.

Instead of trying to achieve beauty, fame, and wealth – which are fleeting and decrease with age – why not go for dignity, praise of others, self-control and faithfulness?

Those things will make us beautiful inside…and out.

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