Saturday, August 20, 2016

Give Me

Genesis 30:1 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she became jealous of her sister; and she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die.”

I wonder if this is the first instance of jealousy among women?  It’s certainly not the last.  It’s rampant in our country.

We lack in some area, maybe it’s our height, our weight, our house or yes…in our children.  We see what SHE has and we want it, we think we deserve it, and we’re going to die making sure we get it.

I’m convinced that’s why there are moms in mani and pedi chairs, hitting the gym and the trails, and shopping til they drop.  No, none of those are bad things.  But when our motivation is to be better than her as a result, then they can be.

It all starts with seeing what she has, becoming jealous, and demanding to get it.

When it should start with seeing what we have, becoming content, and demanding nothing more.

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