Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Psalm 103: 19 “The Lord has established his throne in the heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.”

Have you read placards on old buildings that say “Established in…” and the date is a hundred or more years ago?  It’s fun to take walking tours of small towns and read the history on the buildings and imagine who and what took place there decades ago.

This verse is sort of like a placard about the Lord and his kingdom in heaven.  However, there’s no date mentioned.  That’s because He was, He is, and He always will be.

The Lord established his rule and reign, and there is no beginning or end to it. 

That brings me comfort, because the old buildings we read about can burn and be destroyed.  Businesses come and go, and their owners die out with them.  It’s even sad sometimes to realize what a booming business once existed way back when it was established, with only a small inscription now to tell of what used to be.

Take refuge in the Lord and the peace in knowing that his kingdom is firmly rooted, untouched and unable to be destroyed, and it is just as vibrant now as it was…and always will be.

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