II Kings 4 - And a well-to-do woman was there,
who urged him to stay for a meal. So whenever he came by, he stopped there to
eat. She said to her husband, “I know that this man who often
comes our way is a holy man of God. Let’s
make a small room on the roof and
put in it a bed and a table, a chair and a lamp for him. Then he can stay there
whenever he comes to us.
This is another example of a godly woman making
room for a godly man on the roof of her house.
She recognized this man (Elisha) as being a “holy man of God” and she
wanted to make him welcome in her home anytime he was near.
It so happens that this same woman had no
children, so Elisha prayed and she bore a child. Later, this child died. Elisha showed up, prayed, and the boy came to
life again. What an incredible story of faith, despair, hope, and a miracle.
I can’t help but wonder if the lady had not
obeyed and prepared a place for this man of God if she would have experienced
her miracle. Perhaps she would
have. But the cool thing about the story
is that she recognized the presence of God.
And even when her son passed, she stated, “Everything is all right.” (vs
24). This woman had incredible faith.
I hope that I recognize the presence of God when
it’s near, and I hope that I make room
for his presence to reside where I live, covering me, protecting me and being
there for me…always.