Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jesus Knew

I find it interesting in Matthew 26, when Jesus and his disciples were breaking bread, Jesus knew that they all would stumble in their faith, and yet he had the fortitude and gratitude to offer his cup to these same men.

I’m not sure that if I knew my friends would crush under pressure and deny their love for me that I could prepare them a meal, offer them my table, and pour out my life – knowing the intent of those around me.  Could you?

But note in Matthew 26 verse 29 where Jesus says, “I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

Jesus knew that forgiveness was coming to all, because of his own obedience to the cross. He knew that his father loved these men. And he knew that a new day was life for those who would believe.

We can love those who hurt us, fellowship and offer our lives to those we know will at some point walk away, all because God loves them and is making all things new.

After all of this "knowing," Jesus gave thanks, and in verse 30 it says they sang a hymn.

Nothing relieves the pain of betrayal more than offering thanks to God for his forgiveness and mercy in our own lives, and in singing praises to him.

Are you sitting among those who say they love you, but their deeds show otherwise?

As you walk among your peers, your family, and your friends, always give thanks and always sing praise.  This allows your focus to be on the One who loves you all just the same, and the One who died for your sins…and theirs.

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