Thursday, November 6, 2014

We're Covered

Psalm 147:

More of God’s greatness is described here:

He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills. He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.

One time I was feeling a bit low and I started looking up, around, up and down, and realized how I was pinned in by the greatness of God. 

Up in the skies he provides the faithful sun every day to shine, the clouds to roll by, heavy with rain, and that glory up there is amazing and peaceful to those who live below.

Out around me and below me I can see stretches of grass, hills where cattle graze, and birds that fly by on their way to find food for their young.  What a beautiful picture of God’s amazing care and love over his creation.

Sometimes, in our busy days and in our hectic lives, we just need to slow down and observe.  We need to look up, down, and all around and feel the hand of God that covers us, leads us, and is faithful to sustain us in all that we do.

It’s just that simple to open our eyes and see his goodness right before our eyes.

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