John 10:30 I and the Father are one.
Wow. I can’t say that…yet.
There are times when I pray to the Father and I feel as though I hear nothing. There
are times when I try to trust him, but I fail and do things my own way. And there
are times when I shut him out of a particular area of my life.
But that oneness, the relationship where his thoughts are my
thoughts, his ways are my ways, his plans are my plans…it’s possible…as I continue
to trust in Him.
It’s coming – that oneness.
For all who believe.
Currently, we are headed toward an election day. And Christians
everywhere are praying about their choice for president. Some will “hear” to
vote for one candidate and some another.
Because we aren’t all one – yet.
Or maybe…just maybe…we’re supposed to trust that even in our
divided nation, even in our state of praying and hearing different answers, we
are to still trust in HIM – no matter who wins.
That oneness and completeness is coming. We just have to be still, wait, and obey, the
best we know how…until that day.