Thursday, May 21, 2015

Open Hands

Job 6:14 Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
This verse says it like it is.
Notice the word “withholds.”  Remember we saw earlier that David “thought” to show kindness?
When we think to show kindness to someone this is good.  Perhaps a friend paid for our meal and we think to pray for that friend before going to bed, because we know their child is sick.  That’s a good thought, and a good thing to do.
But if we think about being kind and then purposefully withhold our kindness, we are in a bad state!   When we think to be kind, we need to act on it, while it’s still present in our minds.
There’s another passage in the bible about when a friend comes knocking on our door in need, if we have what she needs, how rude it would be to not share it with that friend!
There are times in a marriage where each one withholds kindness from the other because of hurt or a misunderstanding.  It’s those times that must be filled with forgiveness and repentance, if the marriage is to be restored.
But when we are in good standing with our spouses and our friends, and we see them in need – and we have what they need – we must keep our hands open to share.
Kindness requires open hands, not closed fists.

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