Friday, April 3, 2015


Matthew 6: 33, 34 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Here’s the summation of this past week of the “cure for anxiety.”
Seek Him and His kingdom FIRST.
If we run about seeking all of things we think we desire and need, before we seek all of these things from His hand, we will be anxious.  We will fear.  We will worry.
But if we seek him first, his ways, his provision, his peace, his covering, then all of those things that have us running in circles will be provided, and we will be non-worriers.  We will be at peace.  We will rest.
And finally, tomorrow.  Oh that elusive day that reappears daily with troubles that plague our minds.  What will tomorrow bring?  Will we have enough tomorrow?  How will we make it tomorrow?  You know the questions… because tomorrow can have troubles.
Jesus says to not worry about tomorrow.
It’s not easy, with the minds that we have that plan, look ahead, and dream.
With all of these instructions for an anxious free life, Jesus tells us how it’s to be done – by seeking him first.
This means praying, trusting, and resting in the knowledge that he is a good father and takes care of his children.
And the only way we can accomplish this worry-free life is by repenting of worry, and receiving his strength to gather that which he provides, to stand in all of his glory, and to eat at his table he’s prepared for us, dressed and covered in his glory.

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