Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Sound of Joy

December 10, 2012

Are you tired of reading about joy, yet?  I’m not tired of writing about it!  It’s amazing how many times joy is mentioned in the Bible and how many times we are told to rejoice – it must be really important!

Personification is all throughout the psalms. One instance is in Psalm 98 where rivers clap their hands and mountains sing for joy.  Remember, “The hills are alive with the sound of music?”  When we hear those lyrics we immediately are transported to Julie Andrews singing at the top of her lungs that beautiful tune from the classic movie The Sound of Music. What a great title for a movie.

What is the sound of music like that you listen to?  Is it a country rhythm as you drive to and from work?  Is it pop rock that you love so much as you watch The Voice?   Or is a tune you hum as you clean the house? 

One of the most beautiful sites I’ve seen while traveling around the United States is up in Vermont, driving by rippling streams around a curve and up ahead is a covered bridge just like you see on calendar art, or in serene pictures of the past.  I almost gasped at the beauty of the setting as we came around the bend.

There are sounds everywhere.  Sounds of traffic, sounds of children crying, sounds of grease frying, and even sounds of music playing in the malls.  But what sound is “alive” to you?  What beauty evokes the sound of music to your heart?

Seek it and find it this holiday season, and see if you don’t observe creation clapping and singing, drawing you to join in with the sound of joy…

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