Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I'm often guilty of reading "just enough" of the directions to a new appliance or gadget to learn how to work it, but then I really don't fully use it to the potential for which it was intended. Let me explain.

I have a great iphone, and also DVR for my television.  I know just enough to record a show and watch it - but that's it.  I also know just enough about my phone to use it, but when I have time to look, I see all sorts of apps and icons I've never tapped into. Same goes for my bluetooth in the car. I can make and receive a call and talk, but other features I've never tried.  I get by, so why bother?  And it takes time to learn these things...

Just recently, I realized we all do that with God, too.  We know just enough about him to get by - He loves us - He died for us - if we believe that we'll go to heaven.  HOWEVER...there is so much more about him that we've never tapped into!

As 2012 closes out, I encourage you to "taste and see that the Lord is good" in so many ways.  Take time to get to really know his character and become intimate with Him - and your world will open up in ways you never imagined. 

He's a really interesting, intriguing, and intelligent Father who has so much to offer if we just sit down and take the time to learn...

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