Saturday, June 29, 2013

Don't Lean

Proverbs 3 is a well-quoted verse, and one that is good to memorize.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
This is my husband’s favorite passage, and I’m sure it is one of the favorites of many. 

I think the main cause behind all of our doubts is the fact that we start leaning…on our own understanding.  “Why?” is a question we learn to ask as a toddler, and we never quit asking the rest of our lives.  Why is there pain the world?  Why did this happen to me?  Why aren’t you listening, God?

And when we don’t receive an answer that suits us, we begin to doubt our Father.  Yet, when our toddlers ask us questions that have answers they cannot possibly understand, we just politely pat them on the head and send them on their way.

God doesn’t pat us on the head.  He says here to trust Him, stand up and quit leaning, submit your ways (that includes your thoughts and reasoning abilities) to Him, and he will cause you to walk on a path that is straight.

In other words, if your path is crooked right now, and full of twists and turns that are making you dizzy – trust Him.

He’s God. We’re his children.  And there are some things we just have to lay down, reach out our hand, and let him walk us through it.

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