Saturday, July 19, 2014

And the Peace...

Philippians 4 says,
 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This verse tells us to lay aside anxiety of all kind about all things.  If the Word instructs us to do this, I believe there must be a way to do it.  I’m anxious a lot, and I can often get quite aggravated with myself for being anxious. 

We’re told here to pray and give thanks, when we request things from God.

Those two things go hand in hand, if we want peace.

Later in this chapter, we are told to think on certain things.

I’m a big believer that our minds are a great asset, and a great hindrance, to living in peace.

With our minds and with our hearts, we trust in Him.  However, daily our minds are filled with outside influences of lies, worries, things we see that bring us fear, and all sorts of “what-if’s.”  We have to cleanse our minds daily from all that trash.  It’s like when we take a bath, we’re clean and fresh, but after a long day at work we’re dirty and smelly again. Last night’s bath won’t sustain our freshness.  We have to daily cleanse our bodies.

Prayer and thanksgiving take a conscious choice on our part to declare our trust in our Father, his ability to hear and answer our petitions, and to give thanks for every blessing in our lives.  But these two things must be done without ceasing.  They must be a way of life…

…IF we want to experience peace.

I do. Do you?

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