Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How Did They Know?

Look at something else in yesterday’s story from Genesis 4. Stop and read the entire story if you have the time.

One of the most devastating occurrences takes place prior to the first mention of prayer.  A child is killed by his own brother.  Seriously, can you think of anything worse to happen to a family?  And it all happened because of jealousy and anger and pride.

Out of that sorrow, observing the enmity that can rise between even family members, and realizing that life is truly a gift, men begin to call on the name of the Lord.

Yesterday, we saw that humility is necessary as we enter into dialogue with God.  And today we see that the realization that we have a need greater than that which we can fix by ourselves is another component – when we have brought tragedy upon ourselves that is too great to overcome.

Right here, in Genesis, we see the need for a Savior. Sin has occurred.  Untimely death has happened.  Murder and hatred have surfaced.  And broken hearts are laid open.

How did these men know to call on the Lord?  Could it be that Adam and Eve shared their experiences of having walked with God in a beautiful garden where all of their needs were met, and everything was beautiful and pure?  Could it be that their vocalization of a God who provides all things for his children stirred a desire in their offspring to know Him?

They called…and He heard…because he always does.

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