Thursday, February 19, 2015

Do You Know?

John 4: and they said to the woman, “We no longer believe because of your word; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the savior of the world.”

It is one of the biggest joys in life to see your children mature and become adults and realize that what you’ve taught them is truth, as they begin to act on it out of their own choice, not because you’re standing over them as their parent.

We initially set what we believe on what we hear our parents say, what others say to us, and perhaps what we read about in books.  And we then decipher what is true and what is not true.  And that’s hard to do, without HIS guidance.

But as we walk with Jesus, commune with Him, read his Word, and follow his directives, and as we hear others talk of his goodness and the deeds he has done for them, we eventually have to mature and make a choice.

Are we going to believe Jesus for ourselves, or are we going to ride on the coattails of every person that walks by in pretty colors?

At some point, we have to choose to believe that which we’ve heard for ourselves, and know for a fact that Jesus indeed is the savior of the world.

When we do, we can then follow him with all of our hearts, and no longer be swept away by every wind that blows.

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