Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Visual

Isaiah 32 – the last part of the chapter – what an awesome visual.

Let me describe it to you like this:

We all live in a valley, beneath this large mountain, and we look up – His Spirit is pouring down the mountain causing our dry ground to be fertile for planting.  His justice runs rampant in our streets, and his righteousness rules. 

All of a sudden, fruit trees start coming up from the ground and the fruit that is hanging is not oranges and apples – but rather peace pears.  As these peaceful pears drop to the ground, the whole countryside lives in quiet, confidence, and peaceful dwellings.  Every home is secure and undisturbed, and all who reside inside are at rest.

And even though there will be hail that comes and flattens forest and destroys cities, where the Spirit is pouring down, there will be fruitfulness and freedom.

Where the Spirit of the Lord dwells – there is freedom – freedom from turmoil – freedom to rest.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Joyful Song

Isaiah 14 talks of a land being at rest and at peace, and then says “they break into singing.”

One of the sure indicators of a heart at rest is a heart that sings.  In fact, a rested heart “breaks into” singing. That means the rest and peace is so strong and secure, and has such a strong hold on the heart, the heart cannot help but respond and burst forth in song.

Remember the feeling of being loved – by your husband – a new pet – a comforting parent when you’ve fallen and skinned your knee?  It’s the security and assurance that you are accepted, someone loves you, and it’s all going to be okay now because they are near.  And once you receive that love, you heart starts pumping and a smile emerges on your face and you hop up!  You’re ready to live again!

I am reminded of the scene when Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah’s sofa, expressing his love for Katie Holmes.  He thought he had found the love of his life and he broke into joyful expression right on national television!  We all know now how that love story turned out, and it’s because it wasn’t at rest and peace.  There was turmoil in the home, and the song of joy turned into mourning.

If you’ve lost your song, come back to the shelter of the Most High and sit under his shadow.  And when the song starts rising…sing it loud! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Proverbs 19 says this, “The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.”

You want to know how to rest contently? Fear the Lord.  This type of fear is not the kind where we hide in a closet when He is near, because we’re afraid He’s going to hurt us.  This kind of fear is the reverent holy awe of the awesome God of the universe who sent his only Son to die for us – and we stand in amazement, with trembling lips as we offer praise to this amazing King who loves us so. 

When we have that kind of reverent, holy, fear…then we rest content.

Not only that, but the end of the verse says we are untouched by trouble.  Trouble might surround us, it might surface in the morning and stare at us until night…but we don’t have to be touched by it.

Have you ever been through a difficult time in life and you came out of the dark tunnel, but now you’re afraid of everything that reminds you of the time you were in the darkness?  That’s what it’s like to be touched by trouble.  You’re forever afraid.

We don’t have to live like that.  When we stand in awe of God, we learn to rest content, then the darkness of trouble is just a tunnel – where we might scream and hear our voice echo against the closed in walls – but when we surface to the light again all fear is gone.  And we finish the ride untouched by the darkness, drawn toward the light.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Psalm 116 says “Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”

To me, this implies that when we are fearful, anxious, and in turmoil we have forgotten for a moment the goodness of God in our lives.

Our souls are prone to wander, just like an hold hymn states (Prone to wander, Lord I feel it…Prone to leave the God I love).  We start looking at circumstances, the possibilities of the danger that might happen, the present needs that stand in our face like a steel wall, and we forget the goodness of God that woke us up this morning and sustains our heartbeat even now, as we spend time with Him.

When I wake up in the morning fretting (as I did today) I have to remind myself of God’s goodness, and sometimes He reminds me.  He’s so good like that.  Today I was fretting about a job for my son, and God reminded me of how he miraculously provided a job for my husband decades ago.  This boosted my faith and brought me back to a place of rest.

Rest isn’t the absence of need.  Oh, how I often wish that were the case.  Rest is acknowledging that the Lord is good, reminding yourself of specific ways that He’s been good. And somehow when we do that – it’s like pulling up a rock climber when he’s slipped and fallen.  It allows us to once again place our feet on a ledge, our hands on the Rock, and climb a little higher next time.

Return to your rest.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Shelter & The Shadow

Psalm 91 – a favorite chapter of many.

The first verse states, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty…”

So where is the shelter of the Most High and how do we live there?  It’s a place of relationship with Him.  His shelter is His great love and all we have to do is believe in Him, repent of our sins, and automatically we are there.  Notice the verse says “dwells” which implies that we must stay there and not wander off.  Can we wander off from God’s love?  No way. It’s always there.  But we can make choices to leave and close the door, submitting ourselves to whatever lies “out there.” His love remains.  But we have to choose to live there.

There’s rest in his “shadow?” What in the world does that mean? Life is hard, like a hot sunny day where if we stay out too long, we get heat exhaustion and almost faint.  But if we can just find a shady spot where the cool breezes blow, we know we’ll be okay.  God’s like that.  He’s our shady spot, the shadow under which we can rest and be restored.

Finally, this psalm begins with the word and the call to “whoever.”  Remember John 3:16?  God so loved us…that whoever believes…shall have eternal life.  God offers this shelter of love and shadow of restoration to anyone who would like to come out of the heat…into the shade…where the cool breezes blow…where rest is found.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Show and Tell

Psalm 90:16 says “May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children,” and then it says, “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us…”

When is the last time you sat with your children and told them of the wonderful things God has done for you in your life?  Or the greatness of God that you’ve witnessed? 

When we recall the mighty deeds of God in our lives we are doing two things (vs 17):

Hearing of God’s goodness causes God’s favor to “rest” on us – and this brings peace to our home
Hearing of God’s goodness establishes the work of our hands for us – and this brings peace our home

Just the fact that you’re able to sit on your computer and read this devo today gives you at least two things to give thanks for: your laptop (great provision) and your eyesight (what a blessing).  

We have many things to talk about and share relating to God’s goodness in our lives. 

His deeds and His splendor recounted allows His rest to light upon us and establish us forever.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Say it Again

I think David (in the Psalms) was one of the most distressed writers of the Bible, yet he was also the best model of knowing what to do in times of stress – rest in God.

How was he able to rest? He realized several things as evidenced in chapter 62:

“my salvation comes from Him” – no one else but God

“truly he is my rock…” – he won’t move or go away

“…and my salvation” – no one else but God

“he is my fortress”  - he protects me from harm

“I will never be shaken” – nothing can separate me from his great love

“yes, my soul, find rest in God”  - he speaks to his soul to rest

And then he repeats the above phrases again.

Sometimes we know God is all of these things, but sometimes it’s necessary for us to repeat the truth to ourselves again…and then rest comes.   The first time we hear the words, and the second time we believe them.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Protective Measures

There was this king named Asa (II Chronicles 14). The Bible says he did what was right in God’s eyes, he removed all other gods, he commanded his people to seek the Lord…and the land was at peace.  In fact, no one was at war with him because “the Lord gave him rest.”  But during the time of rest, he built up the area around him with protective measures and sought God, as he thanked Him stating, “He has given us rest on every side.”

After a time, this big army came towards Asa and his people, and Asa was prepared.  However, he stopped (wisdom) and called out to God, stating, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.”  He declared, “We rely on you,” and then went to battle.

What a great story.  During the time of rest, he fortified his city.  Then when outsiders rose up against him, he was prepared.  But wait!  He didn’t rely on his fortifications alone.  He sought wisdom from God, confessed his weakness and HIS power…and then he went to battle.

I know I’ve been defeated before because during a time of rest, instead of bulking up spiritually, I’ve sat and become flabby and complacent.  So when the next army approached, I cowered in fear and ran…simply because I had let my guard down…so to speak. 

We eat fortified cereal and other foods in order to stave off illness when we’re well and healthy.  In the same way, we have to fortify ourselves in the Word and prayer when we’re at peace and in a restful state.  And then when an army approaches, we’re ready.  Not to do battle – because the battle is His – but to offer our faith, our reliance on Him, our confession of weakness – all those things we fortified while at rest. 

Then He defeats our enemies and sends them running, before they ever step foot on our land.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reaction or Rest?

Did you know Solomon was called a man of peace and rest?  (I Chronicles 22:9).  Solomon is mostly known for his wisdom.  He could have asked God for riches and all sorts of temporal things, but he asked for wisdom…which was granted to him.

I’d like to be known at the end of my days as a woman of peace and rest, but I know that so far that would not be my description.  I do like to keep the peace, but usually I’m striving to do that…trying to please everyone.  And that might make for peace for everyone else – but certainly not for me! 

Back to Solomon. Surely the wisdom that he asked for and received must be at least one of the keys to this man being describes as a man of peace and rest. 

Wisdom results in wise choices and implies that we’ve sought counsel before acting.  Many times I know that when I react to circumstances or wild thoughts, wisdom is nowhere to be found nor sought. 

Reacting is like when the doctor hits your knee and it jerks forward.  There’s no thought prior to the action, it’s just a reaction to being hit.  So when I react to a hit in life and exhibit a knee-jerk reaction – there’s no wisdom involved – it’s just a jerk.

A woman of peace and rest – wouldn't that be a great description?  But it must require that we seek after wisdom, and it must include seeking wise counsel before acting, and it must result in acting out of knowing that God’s ways are best, God’s hand is strong, and God’s hand will lead.  

And that is rest – not a knee-jerk reaction.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


In the Old Testament, it says the Lord gave the people rest by giving them land.  But what I notice is that the land wasn’t just given to them…they had to go in and possess it…in order to receive the rest. In other words, God trained them to be armed for battle, there were enemies in the land, but they were well-equipped to defeat them…and then experience rest.

So how are we trained to possess the “land” God has given us?  Right before the story above, the people are told to be strong and courageous, careful to obey God’s word, careful to do everything in it.  They are also told to not be afraid, not to be discouraged…because the Lord was with them wherever they would go.

I woke up this morning and I felt like an army was lining up against me – those little army men called fear, anxiety, dread, etc.  I know that’s NOT part of the “land” where I’m supposed to dwell today.   I can choose to watch the little men line up and I can cower down in despair the rest of today…or I can choose to be strong and courageous. 

The cool part about taking the land, defeating the enemy, and resting in victory is that the strength He commands us to exhibit comes directly from walking with HIM!  He knows we are weak, so He makes us strong. He knows we cannot defeat the enemy, so He goes before us and fights. 

Faith is our friend when we’re headed into territory full of enemies, faith that God is with us, enabling us to step out and possess the land He’s promised – and then to rest.

Rest is not the absence of enemies; it’s the presence of the victor.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Resting on Us

The book of Numbers also talks of the Spirit “resting” on people.  I’ve heard that phrase as well, with the Spirit resting upon us to anoint us to do whatever it is He tells us to do.

However, many times I’ve heard and observed those “in the Spirit” looking more like they were set on fire and these folks say the Spirit just “hit” them!  This may sound comical, but it seems to me that I’m more attracted to having something “rest” or light on me like a beautiful butterfly pausing to rest, rather than being hit in the head by a diving insect looking for food.

When His Spirit is resting upon our shoulders, the burdens we carry are not heavy.  He carries them.  When His Spirit rests in our minds, the thoughts we think do not tax our heart.  And when His Spirit rests in our spirit, we are in agreement with Him, awesome things take place – not out of our strength – but because of Him.

I think I’m one who’s prone to swatting at the Spirit when it shows up, because I don’t recognize it as coming to rest, but seeking to dive at me.  The Holy Spirit – sure it sets us on fire – but it’s not a burning fire that causes us to flinch and yell, “Ouch!” It’s a holy fire that burns brightly and consumes everything impure in and around us – so that we rest by the firelight – with Him.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

His Presence

In Numbers 10 it says the children of Israel started out traveling and the ark of the covenant (which represented His presence) went before them to “find them a place to rest.”  It then says whenever the ark set out, Moses said, “Rise up Lord! May your enemies be scattered…” and whenever the ark came to rest, Moses asked the Lord to return to them. 

In other words, only following after His presence brought them victory…and rest…both of which were necessary as they traveled.

The best part of that passage is how His presence sought out a place for them to rest.  And when they followed it and rested, they were able to then rise up and face enemies when they appeared. 

I know that personally, when I’m tired – I don’t see things correctly, I’m grouchy, I’m not interested in anything or anyone – and I certainly don’t feel like fighting any enemies!

His presence – it’s gas to go – and it’s the brakes to stop.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day of Rest

The Lord even blessed the Sabbath day (the day of rest) and made it holy.  It was a day set apart to cease from work, to focus on Him.  I suppose that’s why we go to church on Sunday?  But for some, Sunday church is anything but “rest.” It’s work to go early, prepare, give, and oh yeah…worship.

This day of rest is supposed to be blessed.  So if we go to church and don’t want to be there, we arrive with an attitude, and we burn out from giving and never receiving – it’s not a day of rest – but rather a day of turmoil.

How can church day – Sunday – or whatever day you go – be restful?  Especially for those who serve?

For me, I have to constantly remind myself that I’m serving Him and He is the one who rewards me.  When I remember this truth, I don’t arrive frustrated at the lack of participation by others, the indifference of those around me, or the lack of appreciation from those I serve.  In fact, I don’t sit in judgment at all.  Sitting in judgment of my church family only makes me tired.

Is your restful day blessed…and holy?  If not, don’t look around…look up.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Still learning to REST...won't you join my journey?  

I often carry around guilt.  It’s been a part of my spiritual DNA since I can remember.  Mostly, I’ve carried the sense that if I mess up even in one bad thought, I might not be good enough to please HIM.  I also had another sense that if something is really fun – it must be bad.  Both of these, I’ve learned, are so far from the truth of how God sees me.  He loves me, and His work on the cross, took my sins away – away!  And having fun is not sinful!  Both of these things, and any other sense of guilt we carry, can really inhibit rest.  In fact, it inhabits stress.

I appreciate my husband who has the innate ability to chill, to enjoy life, and to be content.  I’m learning from him.   It’s okay if I stumble and have a bad day – I’m human (imagine that!).  And having fun is a necessary part and a huge key to rest.  And rest?  It’s a necessity, just like food and water, if I’m going to be of any good to any one at any given time of the day.

Guilt – I’m not carrying you with me today.

Thursday, February 14, 2013



Join me as I learn how to “rest” this year.  I write about “rest” under Strengthening Your Core, coming up in the March issue, and how this journey began.  Come walk with me as I journal and learn what it means to walk in His rest…daily. 

The other day…I literally rested…physically. It wasn’t intentional, it doesn’t come naturally, but I often feel the need for it.  I just am too busy, too full, to grab a nap.  While I was working, I got very sleepy and put my head on a small pillow for what I thought would be 15 minutes, at the most.  Two hours later, I awoke.  I’m pretty sure I haven’t napped this long since I was a child.

I know that physical rest results in a better attitude, better health, and better ability to think clearly and logically.  It’s just so hard for me to do.  God rested after he created the world, and this is mentioned in the very beginning of the Bible.  So rest must be important!

Thank you Lord for the nap today; which I so desperately needed, but was unable to acquire.  You just gave it to me – restful sleep.  For that, I am grateful. And my body thanks you too!

REST awaits us...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Valentine’s Day:  The day of expectation to be shown love, the day women dress up to seduce their lover, the day of anticipation of the romantic dinner by candlelight.  Do you still hope for these things, or have you given up?
What will you wear today? Something red?  

How will you react today if your expectations are not fulfilled?  Will you laugh…or will you cry?

The last chapter in Proverbs describes noble character in a woman and one of the verses near the end says, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”

Before you go too far today, ask HIM to clothe you and give you joy.  Then anything that happens during the day, or doesn’t happen, won’t ruin your clothes nor your countenance.

Happy Valentine's Day - HE loves you!  Let the joy of knowing this fill you with joyful laughter as HE takes delight in HIS beloved!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Proverbs repeatedly says something like it’s better to live on the corner of a roof than below with a quarrelsome wife.  I note that not once does it mention a quarrelsome husband.  Oh there are plenty of verses for the men…but this one speaks to women.

One definition of quarrelsome is the word “cantankerous.”  That pretty much describes those of us who get up in the morning, finding fault with everything our husband does or doesn’t do.  It describes the times when we don’t feel well, we’re tired, or we’re irritable and we let everyone in the house know about it – and somehow we blame it all on him.  I suppose that would define a quarrelsome wife, at least a little.

I’ve been guilty of being a quarrelsome wife, but thankfully my husband has never retired to the corner of our rooftop.  But it might have been better if he had.  At least he wouldn’t hear my accusations, my disappointments with him, and my constant dripping of complaints.

I want my husband to enjoy living with me, underneath the roof, out of the rain.  I want to see him the way “He” sees him, and when I do – I know I won’t be a quarrelsome wife – but rather a wife of honor.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Home

Proverbs 24 says this, “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”

If your house is built on a foundation of loving God with all your heart –
that’s wisdom.

If you understand that God is the head of your home and He will handle everything that arises (including your husband) –
your home will be established.

If you love your children, serve your household, and take joy in doing so – those are rare and beautiful treasures –
what an inheritance for your kids.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


February 11, 2013

I don’t know about you, but I’m a planner.  I have plans for our future, for the way I want my house to look, for trips and vacations, for all sorts of things – I enjoy planning!  In fact, half of the fun in taking a trip is in the planning (in my opinion, of course!)  So we all have “many” plans.

However, even the best of our plans are not always the best plans.  Plans get changed, they fail, or sometimes we lack enough wisdom and understanding – and they just don't work!

Proverbs 19:21 says we all have many plans…”but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Do you know what “prevails” means?  It means to prove more powerful than opposing forces.  So God’s plans and purposes for us are set in motion, and when we walk with Him, NOTHING can thwart those plans.  He prevails!

I don’t know about you, but I want to succeed in my planning and I hope my plans work out well. But I KNOW His plans will work out well, even when I can’t understand His thinking. 

Many are my plans, but magnificent are His plans.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


February 10, 2013

In Proverbs 19 it speaks of disciplining our children.  In the New Testament it speaks to fathers, saying not to provide your children to wrath.  So wherein lies the balance?

Discipline requires training, and according to definition it requires punishment for disobedience.  Training requires living a life before our kids that they can follow.  Punishment requires loving them enough to give out consequences when they purposefully don’t do what they’re told.

The verse in Proverbs says that in disciplining our children “there is hope” and implies that if we do not discipline, we become a “willing party to their death.”

Discipline in love.  That’s the key.  Go to God in prayer and look at yourself first, and ask “Was I clear in my instructions?”  “Have I set forth a good example?” 

If the answer is “No,” go to your kids and ask forgiveness.  If the answer is “Yes,” then ask God for wisdom in how to discipline with love, for in doing so you become a “willing party to their life!”

Friday, February 8, 2013


Listening is an art.  It really is.  I’m not talking about listening to gossip, endless complaining, or filth.  I’m referring to listening to someone speak before formulating an answer to be given.

I’ve found that when I’m thinking of an answer - I’m already not listening.  And Proverbs says to answer before listening is “folly” and “shame.” Those are strong words.

Answering before listening implies that we already know the rest of what the person talking is going to say, we have the answer, and we’re going to tell them so they can quit talking.

Listening is an art.  

It requires soft brush strokes, beautiful colors of love, and the ability to stand back and think creatively before ever saying a word.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Dam

February 8, 2013

Remember watching the news when hurricanes hit the coast and dams were breached, and water came flooding in, destroying everything in its path?  The devastation is almost unthinkable, and it’s hard to pick up the pieces (if there are any left) when something like that happens.  Many things are unrecognizable, and many lives start over again…or not.

Proverbs 17 says this: “Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam…” Stirring up strife by complaining, criticizing, or arguing whittles away at the protective measures set in place in a marriage.  When we make our vows to one another, it’s like building a dam of protection against storms.  We’re committed, for better or worse, to love always. 

So what’s the rest of the verse? “…so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.”  This is hard to do, when we “know” we’re right and we want to be heard.  But the truth is that quarreling and disputing only leads to unkind words and a flood that knocks us silly.

Frustrated or upset about something?  Take it to HIM.  He is able to deal with the matter at hand better than any words or looks you can give to your spouse. 

Before a dispute breaks out, remember the protection of the dam, and ask Him to calm the waters.

Gracious Words

A honeycomb drips of sweetness, doesn’t it? Almost too much to handle and way too much to digest in one sitting! And it's oh, so sticky...

However, Proverbs says “gracious words” are a honeycomb, “sweet to the soul” and also “healing to the bones.”

Kind, courteous, and pleasant words that come from a friend can make our day.  These same words from a boss can boost our confidence.  And these words and thoughts from our Maker can be so overwhelmingly satisfying they can bring us to our knees – overcome with gratitude and thanksgiving to be loved so much! 

Are you hurting? Is your soul sad? Are you hearing condemnation?  None of that is what He’s doing or saying. 

He has gracious words of mercy, love, and favor for you today.  Hear them and be healed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Proverbs 16 says all of our own ways seem “pure” to us, but the Lord weighs our “motives.”

That’s a tough pill to swallow, as my mom would say.  We do things, react to people, and go about our day, feeling justified in all of our actions and thoughts.  But He looks at the reason behind what we do.  Not to bash us, but to bless us!

The next verse says if we commit to Him whatever we do (that’s a huge invitation to let it all go!) then He will establish our plans.  He not only leads us but he establishes and settles us!  That’s a huge commitment back on his part, just in return for us giving up control to Him.

The giving up control is the hard part.  We somehow see God as this judge who checks our heart all the time, only to see the holes and bruises, and to shame us for not  meeting His standards.  But in all of the Bible, God’s character shines through in that He is a loving Father who wants only the best – and that’s His “motive” for checking us out.

We can trust that when our motives are weighed and we are found wanting, He comes along and fills the holes and gaps so that we are good to go…whatever we do.

Monday, February 4, 2013


I’ve read this verse before but never noticed something interesting: Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.

If we cast off discipline (training that molds and perfects our character) then we are said to despise ourselves.  Wow! How many times have we had to walk a hard path and we wondered why life has to be so difficult at the moment.  “God must be mad at us,” we think. 

The opposite is quite true, according to this verse!  Despising ourselves when times get tough and thinking the worst of our relationship with God is disregarding the very discipline (training) that gains us understanding!

When we heed correction (allow the training to take place and perfect our character) we gain!  We experience success! We achieve! We become a better person!

Physical exercise is a pain, and I think about avoiding it every time I start to do it.  If I think too long about it, I miss the opportunity, and the physical results are missed for that day.  But when I press through, discipline my body to move (and hurt), I feel so exhilarated afterwards, physically and mentally, and I experience gain.

Lord, help me to regard discipline with joy (yikes, this is hard) knowing the end result is gain.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wise Counsel

Are you making plans for something big in your life?  Maybe a house purchase, a job change, a new relationship, or a dream adventure?  These plans are huge and could affect you in big ways, and fear looms because of the possibility of failure?

Proverbs 15 says that plans fail for lack of counsel – but with many advisers they succeed.  Advisers are good to have in your pocket…but with wisdom seated nearby. 

When we have plans that involve life changes, it’s wise to seek counsel, and it’s wiser still to seek counsel from wise people. In other words, get advice from someone you respect and who has the foundation and years of experience in walking with Him.  Don’t go to a friend just because you know they’ll agree with whatever you say.

Plans are fun, and hopefully they end up with dreams fulfilled.  But talking over plans and hearing sound wisdom – and then proceeding with caution and obedience – is always best. 

And doing anything that doesn’t agree with the Word? Don’t even think about it. :) 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Secure Refuge

Love this verse – Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. (Proverbs 14)

There are countless adults who don’t enjoy returning home.  Either their parents fight, they have bad memories from being at home, or they swore when they left they’d never go back because of wounds and irreparable hurts. 

Fearing the Lord simply means loving Him, honoring Him, and obeying Him – out of love for who He is.  It is a personal walk with God that shows through kindness, gentleness, peace…(you know - those things called the fruit of the spirit).  It’s those sort of things that our kids see, way more than the things we say and tell them to do.  If we walk in relationship with Him, and it shows in our everyday life – this provides a “safe place” for our kids – forever.

I don’t want my kids to visit me out of duty or shame.  I want them to know that my house is a refuge – a place where they can always be themselves – and always feel loved.  I want them to know when life gets stormy, I’ll pray with them.  When life is good, I’ll rejoice with them. And when life is hard, I’ll walk with them.  All because I know He is with us.

Is your place a secure fortress?  The name of the Lord is a strong tower…just run to Him.

Wise Woman

A wise woman – that’s what I want to be – not a foolish one.

Proverbs 14 says a wise woman builds her house, but with “her own hands” a foolish woman tears hers down. That verse says to me that we have the capability in our own hands to either make our house strong and inviting…or weak and crumbling.

To build a house, one needs a foundation, walls, a roof, and a comfortable and cozy place inside in which to dwell.  I once taught a young man who lived in a house with no floor except dirt, and he slept by an open fire, and smelled of smoke every day at school.  That’s a house that’s been torn down or destroyed.  It’s surely not a home.

Too often we tear down our own “house” by criticizing our spouses, complaining about never having enough, or envying our neighbor.  That’s foolish. 

More often we should “build” our house with good words, thankful hearts, and contented blessings.  That’s wisdom.

Lord, I ask you for wisdom on how to build my house…not tear it down.